Saturday, June 25, 2011


I’m always on the look out for a satisfying yet healthy snack.  I am happy to report I found just that at Trader Joes.

Dark Chocolate Edamame

It only takes a couple of these to satisfy my sweet tooth craving and it even has fiber and protein……and flavor.IMG_7640

For 1/4 C.  (and that would be plenty)

  • Calories: 200
  • total fat: 11 grams
  • Total Carbs: 21 g
  • Dietary fiber: 5 g
  • Sugars: 13g
  • Protein: 7 g

Perfect for when you just need a little something.

What’s your favorite snack right now?

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Health Mistakes?

One of my favorite websites to read is Dr. Oz.

Always great information and usually easy to understand.  My latest find on his site. 


Your 5 Biggest Health Mistakes Women Make

1. Ignoring exhaustion ( Warning: heart health)

2. Ignoring Unexplained Weight Gain ( Warning sign: Breast Cancer)

3. Ignoring a Frequent Urge to Urinate  (Warning Sign: Diabetes)

4. Taking All of Your Medications in the Morning  (Warning Sign: Blood Pressure Complications )

5.  Ignoring Loss of Sense of Smell (Warning Sign: Alzheimer’s Disease)

For more information, visit Dr. Oz’s website or talk to your own doctor.