Sunday, March 21, 2010

Exercise of the Week

We have given you several exercises to help build core stabilization over the past few weeks.  We are crazy for core exercises!  With a stable core, it’s much easier to attain your fitness goals and maintain a healthy body.

Lumbar stabilization (stage 2)
Plank Position
Difficulty: Moderate

(Consult your chiropractor before
engaging this or any other exercise.)

Start: imageLie down on stomach. Then, begin by propping upper
body up onto elbows/forearms, with hands together in prayer position. Engage inner abdominal muscles by bringing belly button inward. Keeping spine steady, lift hips and knees so you’re resting on toes, creating a straight line from ankles to shoulders.

Exercise: imageKeeping spine steady, bend one leg to 90 degrees. Hold this position for 10-20 seconds. image(Option 1) If this is relatively easy,
try lifting leg higher, and hold this position for 10-20 seconds. (Option 2) Switch legs, and repeat. Perform 3-5 sets of this exercise per side. Be careful not to strain lower back.

If you have any questions concerning exercises shown here, please stop in for a quick review. 

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