Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Exercise of the Week - Pelvic Rotations

Difficulty: Easy
(Consult your chiropractor before starting this or any other exercise.)
Start: Lie down on back with legs bent to 90 degrees and feet on
floor. Place arms out to side, palms up.image

Exercise: Take one leg, and cross ankle over opposite knee.

Then, let legs roll all the way to side so that foot rests on floor.

Hold for 30-60 seconds, and then return to starting position. Switch sides, and repeat 2X per side.

Quote of the Week
“Processed foods not only extend the shelf life, but they
extend the waistline as well.”

- Karen Sessions

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Chiropractic Is Not Just for the Spine!

All your joints require movement to stay healthy and functional, not just the ones in your spine. Proper movement of joints is directly dependent upon their alignment. As an alignment specialist, your chiropractor is concerned with the proper function of every joint in your body. Any time you feel pain, experience a restricted range of motion, or hear noises coming
from your joints, you should talk to your chiropractor – an adjustment may be just what you need to restore joint health.

What Joints Outside the Spine Do Chiropractors Treat?

The Ankle

clip_image002[11]One of the most common injuries to the ankle is the inversion sprain. When your ankle is abruptly twisted, it causes inflammation in and around your ankle joint and some partial tearing of the ligaments that support it. This can result in altered biomechanics or misalignment of your bones in the foot and ankle. Faulty mechanics can actually be the cause of your ankle
sprain. Before considering adjustments for your ankle, your chiropractor will probably first recommend reducing the inflammation with ice, rest and elevation for about 72 hours. It’s important for you to allow the initial stage of injury repair to run its course. This makes it possible for your chiropractor to perform a proper assessment of your ankle. Joint swelling can potentially mimic joint restriction, and your chiropractor wants to be careful about potential damage to the ligaments surrounding the ankle. However, being able to mobilize your joint as soon as possible is vital. If the joint remains immobile for too long, scar tissue can accumulate and muscles around the joint can quickly atrophy.

The Knee

clip_image002Misalignment syndromes are often common in the knee. Think of the knee as a simple hinge joint, moving in a single plane. Any torque or twist of the lower leg places abnormal stress on the knee joint. Painful conditions of the knee resulting from misalignment include chondromalacia patella and patellofemoral syndrome. If you experience knee pain, consult with your chiropractor. It’s important to discover where the alignment issues originate.
The lesser-known joint of your knee is called the proximal tibiofibular and is located on the outside part of your knee. The main bone creating this joint (the fibula) extends all the way down to the external part of your ankle, where it forms the lateral malleolus. Faulty positions of this bone can create problems in both your ankle and knee, especially when twisting injuries
include this bone.2 Chiropractic adjustments can be applied to reposition this bone at either joint, and can help
alleviate pain caused by subluxations in these areas.

The Wrist

clip_image002Like the ankle is to the lower extremities, the wrist is an important joint for the upper extremities. Repetitive activities using the hands and arms can irritate the wrists. Gripping
is the most common use of the hands. Nerves and muscles that contribute to the gripping action pass through an enclosed space called the carpal tunnel, located in the wrist. Any misalignment of the bones that make up the carpal tunnel, or irritation of the soft tissues that pass through it, can contribute to the painful symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.
Chiropractors are well equipped to deal with these issues and can recommend the best course of action. Sometimes a simple adjustment applied to the wrist can make the difference between pain and dysfunction or immediate relief.3 In some cases, you
may need to ice, splint or perform specific exercises and stretches to improve the affected area.

Tclip_image002[7]he Shoulder

Your shoulder is an extremely complicated joint. Not only does it
require the greatest range of motion because of its functional needs, but it does so with the least amount of joint stability. While many other joints are afforded greater stability by the joints’ structure itself, the shoulder requires a balance of strength and flexibility in the muscles that surround it. In addition, shoulder position is directly affected by poor posture, which can create problems in this area. Chiropractors know that subluxations in the neck can easily irritate the sensitive nerves that pass through this area on the way to the shoulder.
Restrictions in the upper spine can create a fixated curve here and force the head and shoulders to roll forward. This places excessive stress on the supporting tissues. Chiropractic
adjustments can help with both these issues.

Remember, once any joint is returned to its proper function, whether by realigning it or improving mobility, it’s still up to you to do the exercises and stretches that will help keep them
that way!

Disclaimer: Information contained in this Wellness Express newsletter is for educational and general purposes only and is designed to assist you in making informed decisions about your health. Any information contained herein is not intended to substitute advice from your physician or other healthcare professional.
Copyright 2010 Mediadoc™ For more health tips, visit online

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Balance, Body Awareness and Chiropractic

Have you ever wondered how you know where your fingers and toes are, even when you’re not looking at them?
You may be surprised to learn your joints provide your brain with a great deal of information about the position of your body. This information is not only important for body awareness but
also for maintaining your balance. clip_image002

How Do Joints Keep Your Balance?

There are specialized nerve endings found in joints and muscles called proprioceptors. They feed directly to a part of your brain known as the cerebellum. Together with its connections to other areas of the brain that process sensory and motor information, the cerebellum helps coordinate body movements and posture.

The Role of Eyes and Ears

The other main sources of information required for balance come from the inner ear and the eyes. clip_image002[6]

In the inner ear, three semicircular canals help give you an awareness of your head’s position. When stimulated by movement, little hairs in the fluid filled canals provide proprioceptive information to your central nervous system. Information about the static position of your head is also provided by another inner ear structure: the vestibule. Movement of tiny crystals creates a signal that tells your body
where your head is located relative to gravity.
In the oculomotor system, nerves from the tiny muscles around your eyes give your brain information about head and body movement. Combined with information from the inner ears, the vestibulo-ocular system helps keep your eyes focused on an object, even when your head is moving.
Since joints and muscles are key to balance and body awareness, conditions that affect these areas can impact your sense of balance. It should be no surprise that vertebral subluxations in your spine may contribute to balance problems.

Physical Trauma and Vertigoclip_image002[8]

Have you ever felt the room is spinning around you, making it difficult to remain standing? If so, you experienced vertigo. Although most cases are short-lived, sometimes vertigo persists.
It can be caused by a number of issues, including inner ear disturbances, eye problems, brain pathology, infection or
physical trauma.

Can Chiropractic Help Your Balance?

Research into trauma-induced vertigo reveals that people who have had injuries to the head and neck, such as whiplash, are more likely to benefit from spinal adjustments.
One chiropractor reviewed 60 cases of chronic, trauma-induced vertigo that she treated over an 8-year period. Of these patients, 56 recalled having experienced trauma to the head and neck prior to developing symptoms.
All these patients responded favorably to chiropractic adjustments to the upper cervical area. And 48 patients (80%)
were completely symptom-free after one to six months of chiropractic care.

In another study, a research group followed 50 vertigo patients through orthopedic assessment, then treatment for their symptoms. Of the 50 patients, 31 were identified as having cervical spine dysfunction. The other 19 did not show signs of this problem. When the patients with cervical dysfunction were treated with manipulation and mobilization
of the cervical spine, 24 patients (77%) improved, and 5 patients were symptom-free.
In the other group - which did not receive manipulation because cervical spine dysfunction could not be identified - only 5 patients saw improvement (26%). And no one in this group
became fully free of vertigo symptoms.

Do You Experience These Problems?

Aside from vertigo, cervical subluxations can affect you in more subtle ways. Are you getting clumsier? Losing dexterity in your fingers? Tend to bump into things more often? If you said “yes,” you could be experiencing subluxations in your neck. Ask your chiropractor to check you for this problem.

“To feel 'fit as a fiddle', you must tone down your middle.”
- Unknown

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Exercise of the Week- Lumbar Stabilization


Dead Bug

image image Difficulty: Moderate
(Consult your chiropractor before starting this or any other exercise.)
Start: Lie on back with knees and hips bent to 90 degrees and feet elevated. Both arms should be straight, with fingertips pointing up toward ceiling.
Exercise: Draw belly button inward toward spine. Then, while
keeping spine steady, slowly straighten/lower one leg toward floor. At same time, bring opposite arm over head (toward
floor). Pause for 1-2 counts, then return to starting position.
Alternate arms/legs. Perform 5-10 sets per side.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Why Belly Fat is the Most Dangerous Fat


Pot belly. Spare tire. The middle age spread. These are just a few of the endearing names bestowed to the extra layer of fat that accumulates around the abdomen. But aside from the amusing nicknames, this type of fat is a serious danger. Unlike fat that appears on other parts of your body, belly fat increases your risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, sleep apnea and some types of cancer. image

Subcutaneous fat is the jiggly fat that rests between your skin and abdominal wall. Visceral fat is the next layer and surrounds your internal organs. Visceral fat is biologically active. It produces an excess of hormones, which increase the risk of insulin resistance - a key factor in type 2 diabetes. This hormonal imbalance puts women at higher risk of breast cancer. And visceral fat boosts inflammation throughout your body. Your chiropractor can tell you how inflammation is closely tied to numerous diseases and health conditions.

image Cause and Effects

Why does belly fat affect so many people? Genetics play a role, so you may see the problem from one generation of a family to the next. Hormone fluctuations in the body can increase fat. After menopause, hormonal changes in women cause fat to gather more in the belly than hips or legs. As you age you lose muscle mass and your metabolism slows, which makes it easier to acquire fat in the abdominal area. Poor dietary habits and lack of physical activity are also big contributors to this problem. Our increasingly sedentary ways have unleashed an explosion of obesity across North America and other industrialized areas of the world. Our love of unhealthy fatty foods and refined carbohydrates has made it all too easy to surge the waistline well
past the appropriate size.


How Much is Too Much?image

Do you know if you have too much belly fat? To determine your waist size, take a tape measure and encircle it around your bare abdomen, just above your hip. (The tape measure should be snug but not press into your skin. Breathe normally; don’t cheat by sucking in your stomach.) For men, a waist size of 40 inches (102 cm) or more indicates too much fat. For women, it’s a waist size of 35 inches (88 cm) or more.

Burning Belly Fatimage

It’s extremely important to exercise, as it keeps your metabolism operating at peak efficiency. Unfortunately, you can’t control where your body drops fat. But if you engage in regular cardiovascular exercise, eventually your “spare tire” will shrink. In fact, many people on a consistent fitness regime see a fat reduction in their belly before anywhere else.
A study published last year in Brain, Behavior and Immunity revealed that even moderate exercise can help reduce belly fat. In the 10 month study, a group of sedentary older adults participated in 45-minute to 60-minute cardiovascular exercise sessions three times a week. Another group of participants did non-cardiovascular flexibility sessions for 75 minutes twice a week. At the end of the research, the exercise group had overall better fitness levels and less belly fat compared to the
flexibility group. The study authors also noted that a reduction of visceral fat was also partially responsible for slashing inflammation in the exercise participants.

You should also incorporate resistance training, such as weight lifting, into your exercise program. By increasing your muscle mass, you speed up your metabolism. And muscles burn calories 24/7!

The Whole Grains Connection image

When it comes to diet, incorporate plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables into your daily meals. A study published in 2008 looked at the effects of whole grains on cardiovascular disease risk for people with metabolic syndrome. Two groups were created. One group consumed a diet of whole grains, fruits and vegetables. The other group consumed refined grains, fruits and vegetables. The group eating whole grains lost significantly more belly fat compared to the group eating refined grains. As well, the whole grains group saw their c-reactive protein levels - a marker for inflammation - drop by 38%, independent of the weight loss.

If belly fat is a problem for you, talk to your chiropractor about designing a custom diet and fitness program that can help you dump this dangerous fat from your body.

Quote of the Week

“Our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be
our food.”

- Hippocrate