Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Fast 10

It’s almost January and that usually means New Years Resolutions.  A very high percentage of resolutions made are related to taking care of ourselves. 

Here are 10 quick tips that really work.   Follow these and you WILL be healthier.

1. Never ever ever skip breakfast.

2. If you eat dairy, choose 1% or lower in fat.

3. Sit down while you eat.  Chew your food slowly.

4. Drink alcohol only on weekends, if at all.

5. Switch from regular soda to diet, and pass on high sugar energy drinks.

6. Instead of regular potatoes, switch to sweet potatoes or yams.

7.  Switch to olive oil instead of butter on bread or when cooking.

8. Eat off a smaller plate.

9. Ask for salad dressing on the side.  Dip your fork in the dressing before picking up your bite.

10. While dining out, split your entrée or ask for 1/2 to be boxed up before serving.

This information is a service of IDEA, the leading international membership association in the health and fitness industry. 


Our health always seems much more valuable after we lose it.

Unknown Author

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Put us on your list……

Our to-do list is longer these days.  Be sure to put us on that list for better stress management.

  • Most chiropractic adjustments take less than 20 minutes – it’s true.  You can be in and out in no time.  It doesn’t take too much out of your day to stop by our office and get a quick tune up.
  • Often, massage therapy is combined with chiropractic adjustments to further reduce stress and speed injury recovery –That’s the best way we think.  Schedule a 30 min massage from your adjustment to receive maximum benefit of your visit.  Many insurance plans will cover a 30 min massage with your adjustment.
  • Anxiety and stress are notorious for attacking the weak spots of the spine.-  TrueEspecially this time of year.  The holidays are a wonderful time, but they do bring extra stress to our schedules, which usually ends up being harbored in your body…..somewhere.  We believe taking that extra time to drop by for a visit will help.  We can’t help with your shopping list, but we can help keep you in tip top shape. 

So put us on your list, we’d love to see you and help keep stress at bay during this holiday season.


Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon.  ~Doug Larson

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How Stable are you?

With Thanksgiving around the corner, there tends to be more focus on our middle…….our core.  Well maybe you were just thinking of the soft stuff around the middle, but we tend to think of it as your core.fan2026580Core.  It’s one of those words you hear a lot of in our clinic.  We’re finding out that not everyone really knows what their core is.  Most people think it’s their stomach muscles.  And they’re right, but it’s also so much more.  Your core is basically all your muscles through your hips, mid/ lower back and abdominals. 

Why does the core need to be strong?  A strong core will support your spine, keeping you in proper alignment. Strengthening your core doesn’t have to be difficult with a long routine of complicated exercises.  Of course there are several ways to achieve a strong and stable core, but we’ve got a simple one that most everyone can do, regardless of age or ability.

1. Flat Hover – lay face down on a firm surface such as your floor.  A mattress is not your best choice, it’s not firm enough and you may fall asleep.  Resting your head on the floor or your hands.  Relax your legs, glutes and arms.  Exhale  and tighten only  your abdominal wall,  pretending to pull the flesh away from the surface.  Hold for 5 to 10 seconds.  Repeat.  This exercises the transverses abdominis, the main abdominal stabilizers.  Simple and no extra equipment was needed.250px-Illu_trunk_muscles

2.  Plank – You may have seen this move before.  It’s pretty common in a yoga class.  This can also be done on the elbows and toes, or elbows and knees.  Be sure to keep your hips in alignment with your shoulders.  Your goal is to hold for 30 seconds.  Of course you may need to work up to this.


3.  Advanced Plank – If you’ve mastered the plank and you’re looking for something more challenging, you can try using a stability ball.  Lay face down on the ball placing your hands on the floor in front of the ball.  Slowly walk yourself using your hands away from the ball.  When the ball is under your knees and shins, hold.  When finished walk yourself back so your abdominals are supported under the ball.  Repeat.


We’d love to show you more exercises on how to bring more stability to your core.  Stop in and see us for a pre-holiday body tune up.  We’d love to see you.


When it comes to eating right and exercising, there is no "I'll start tomorrow."  Tomorrow is disease.  ~V.L. Allineare

Friday, November 6, 2009

We’re all shook up…….

We think having fun is just as healthy as eating your 5 fruits and veggies each day.  Halloween 2009 003

Usually Halloween is all about the candy, but for us?  It’s all about the hair and attitude.  We channeled our inner Elvis just for your entertainment………although truth be told, we also had a blast.  Halloween 2009 035 Halloween 2009 011

When you visit us, you never know what we’ll be up too. 

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It’s always a treat to hang out at Priority Health Chiropractic & Massage.

Halloween 2009 015

"Some people tap their feet, some people snap their fingers, and some people sway back and forth. I just sorta do ‘em all together, I guess."
-Elvis in 1956, talking about his way of moving on stage.

Halloween 2009 023

I bet Elvis could have used a few adjustments with all that dancing.  .  Halloween 2009 021All those hip moves were bound to flare up his SI joint from time to time.    Halloween 2009 013  How about you?  How are your hips feeling?Halloween 2009 004Need a massage?  An adjustment?  Halloween 2009 008   Come see us!  We’d love you see you!

Elvis has left the building………..

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Free Seminar ~ Hormone Balancing.

Hormone Balancing....You, Your Symptoms and What You Can Do About It.

Tuesday, October 27th -6:30 to 7:30

We are very happy to present this free seminar on
Hormone Balancing....You, Your Symptoms and What You Can Do About It.
An informative hour of education, inspiration and discussion about hormone balance, bioidenticals, natural symptom relief and safe solutions for getting your hormones, and your life, back in balance!
The Seminar will be at the clinic

19215 SE 34 Street
Suite 102
Camas, WA 98607

Tuesday, October 27th from 6:30 to 7:30.
Presented by Candace Burch.

Candace-BurchCandace Burch, MA has been working in health promotion and disease prevention for over 25 years as a woman’s health advocate and champion of safe natural approaches to menopause management.  Candace has a Masters degree in Health Education, and was Medical Coordinator for the “Channel 9 Health Fair,” an annual statewide event sponsored by KUSA Television in Denver. In the 1980s she moved to London, England, to work in medical publishing as an editor, writer, and journalist until 1996.

For the past eight years as Director of Education at ZRT Laboratory, one of the largest hormone testing labs in the country, Candace was responsible for education, marketing and public relations. She is a founding member of Women in Balance, a non-profit dedicated to helping women achieve hormone balance naturally, and is available through for private consults and group workshops.

Candace finds balance in her own life through healthy living, family outings, long walks, dancing, travel, and finding the unexpected.

This seminar takes into consideration the fact that hormone issues are not just about menopause and growing older, but can impact mental and physical health at any age.  This workshop provides an interactive atmosphere and personalized approach to exploring options for safe symptom relief and hormone shouldn't miss it!

Your RSVP is required as space is limited.

To RSVP reply to my email,    or call the office at 360-882-7733

Refreshments will be served.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

We now have a blog!

Welcome to our blog. We hope our blog becomes a regular stop for you in your continuing quest of taking care of your health. We'll bring you information on nutrition, stretching, muscular conditioning, body awareness and much much more. Please feel free to leave comments or suggestions.

We also have a facebook fan page! Just click on the facebook fan page button just to your right on the side bar.

If you have health, you probably will be happy, and if you have health and happiness, you have all the wealth you need, even if it is not all you want. ~Elbert Hubbard